Use of cookies

We use cookies on websites to monitor website traffic in order to improve and facilitate browsing on websites.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file that stores website settings. It is transferred via the browser when you first visit a website and the next time you return to the page from the same computer, tablet or phone, the browser can check whether the cookie with the website address is saved.

The browser uses the data from the cookie and sends it back to the website. This allows websites to recognize if the user has already visited this website and in advanced applications, individual settings can also be adjusted accordingly.

Advantages of cookies

When using the same computer (tablet or phone) and browser, cookies are very useful, as they can, for example, remember your settings, help us monitor how you use our pages and make the content displayed more appropriate to your needs and browsing style.

The cookies used by our website are recorded in the table below. First-party cookies are cookies that our website needs to function. These cookies are not intended to collect your personal data or any other data through which you could be identified when you return. As such, they do not require your explicit consent for installation and are installed regardless of whether you agree to the installation of cookies or not. We also install cookies for monitoring traffic statistics without your explicit consent. The provider of statistics monitoring is Google through the Google Analytics service. Analytics data is anonymized before being sent to Google, and we do not allow Google staff to access the data. Other cookies are third-party cookies. We do not install them until you agree to their installation.